Escape Simulator: Labyrinth of Egypt – First Chamber

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This walkthrough is done on 28th March 2024.

Labyrinth of Egypt is a series of 5 Escape Rooms. First Chamber is the 1st of 5 Escape Rooms.

Below is the full playthrough of Escape Simulator: Labyrinth of Egypt – First Chamber on YouTube.

Getting there

After starting Escape Simulator, go to Singleplayer/Multiplayer depending if you’re playing solo or with others. Then, you’ll be able to select the particular Escape Room that you wish to try.

Under the Original tab, select Labyrinth of Egypt, First Chamber and press play (or double click the image). The game should begin.

Labyrinth of Egypt: First Chamber

The game will begin after a brief loading screen.

Pick up the Sphinx statue.
Right below where you picked up the Sphinx, there is an Egyptology 102 book. Pick that up and examine it.
This book describes how certain symbols translate to code words.
Now examine the Sphinx statue. Take note of the symbol here, and find the corresponding one in the book.
It is the symbol for darkness.
On the wall should be a clickable tile with a hand symbol on it. Click on it to reveal a dark hole opening.
Place the Sphinx statue in it, and it should change.
Pick up the Sphinx statue again and examine it. Take note of the new symbol and find the corresponding one in the book.
It is the symbol for water.
In the corners of this room should be water vases. Place the statue in anyone of them and it should dissolve into a pyramid part.
Pick up the pyramid part.
On the floor near one of the water vases should be another pyramid part. Pick that up too.
On the floor near another one of the water vases should be a suitcase. Open it.
From the suitcase, take the brush and Egyptology 101 book.
With the brush, go to a chest with some sand on top. Use the brush to reveal the engravings on the chest.
Take note of the symbols and refer to the Egyptology 101 book.
The Egyptology 101 book translates each symbol to a number.
Translate the symbols on the chest to numbers. Use the 4 digit number to unlock this puzzle above the chest.
This symbol equals to 1000There are 3 such symbols. Thus, the total is 3000.
This symbol equals to 100There are 4 such symbols. Thus, the total is 400.
This symbol equals to 10There are 2 such symbols. Thus, the total is 20.
This symbol equals to 1There are 6 such symbols. Thus, the total is 6.
Adding all the numbers together, 3000 + 400 + 20 + 6, we have 3426.
Enter 3426 to unlock the puzzle. Take the key.
Use the key on the chest below it.
In the chest should be a pyramid part. Take it.
When the chest opens, the lid should have broken the vase beside it when it slid outwards. If for some reason it didn’t break the vase, you can manually break it by dragging it and sliding it around. In any case, there should be a pyramid part inside this vase. Take it.
Assemble the pyramid on top of the pedestal in the middle of the room. Then, a compartment in the mid section of the pedestal will open to reveal a door key. Take it.
Use the door key on any one of the doors.
The door will open to reveal a puzzle. Solve it.
Solve this maze. The path taken to solve it will pass by 4 symbols. Take note of the 4 symbols as well as their order.
Enter the 4 symbols in order to solve the puzzle.
Solving this puzzle reveals another door key. Take it and use it on another door.
The door will open to reveal a 2nd puzzle.
Solve this maze. The path leads you to a symbol which looks like a bee.
In the Egyptology 102 book, bee translates to “bjt”. “bjt” corresponds to the above 3 symbols. Take note of those 3 symbols and their order.
Enter the 3 symbols in order, to reveal the last door key.
Take the door key and use it on the final door.
Congratulations, you have solved Labyrinth of Egypt – First Chamber!

Next Up

Once you’re ready to move on, you can check out Escape Simulator: Labyrinth of Egypt – Chamber of the Dead.